Jess Anne Roberts

Just a Native Phoenician Sweating and Living

My All-Time Favorite Movie

I’m not much of a movie person. As a kid I loved nothing more than going to the cinema with my parents and running around Video One, Blockbuster, and Hollywood Video with my sister, trying to pick out a good VHS then later DVD to watch at home.

But somewhere along the line, I stopped liking movies. Mainly because it seemed like every movie I did watch ended up being a complete waste of time. The credits would roll and I would think, Well, there’s and hour and a half/two hours I’ll never get back. I could’ve been writing. Or reading. Or watching a good TV show.

I’m extremely fussy now about what movies I choose to see (I’ve only watched one this year, Lady Bird, which I highly recommend). Though I do own a select few DVDs, I have a lot more TV shows on my bookshelf. And yet, time and time again, one cinematic masterpiece continues to satisfy all the qualities I look for in a film.

That cinematic masterpiece is Clueless.

Yes, Clueless.

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(Image Source)

I love every single thing about this movie. The friendships, the family relationships, the romance, and, most importantly, I love Cher, the main character.

I love that despite being popular and beautiful, she cares deeply about doing well in school and making sure her dad stays healthy. She’s not heavily focused on boys or her love life; she spends a lot of time with her best friend, Dionne, and immediately draws new girl, Tai, into her social circle.

I love that Josh, her stepbrother/love interest, falls for her because of what a good person she is, not because of her looks or her wealth. She amuses him and challenges him, just as he amuses her and challenges her. Seeing them finally get together at the end is the most satisfying thing ever.

Another thing I love about this movie is how hilarious it is. I find many rom-coms go too heavy on the com with not enough rom. Clueless strikes the perfect balance of funny and romantic. There are so many good lines and laugh-out-loud scenes. I’ve watched this movie a million times and I still giggle at certain parts.

I have a feeling I always will.

And Clueless will forever remain my number one movie of all-time.

As if anything else could top it.

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(Image Source)

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