Jess Anne Roberts

Just a Native Phoenician Sweating and Living

My 2019 Vision Board

I’m tackling a slightly more serious issue this week instead of my usual rant or rave about entertainment: vision boards.

More specifically, my own person vision board that I just created.

Vision boards have been a thing for a long time but I never felt a strong need to create one. I already know what I want my future to look like. But recently, on days when I haven’t been feeling motivated, I thought how nice it would be to have a vision board up on my wall that I could look at when the motivation isn’t there. Something with visuals that leap out at me and say, “Hey, this is what you want and you won’t get any of it unless you work hard.”

So I spent most of this morning searching for pictures that represent what I want my future to look like, and here it is.

Let’s take a closer look at these pictures, shall we?

Upper Left Corner: Best-Selling Author

I want to be a best-selling romance author one day and make a living doing that. It’s my number one dream, always has been, always will be.

First Row Middle: House in Phoenix

I want to own a house. A one-story house in Phoenix, my beloved hometown. A one-story house with a main bedroom, a guest bedroom, and an office where I can write. I want a large backyard full of grass where my dogs can romp. I want no stairs because I plan to adopt senior dogs who will have a hard time with stairs.

Upper Right Corner: Engagement and Wedding Ring Set

I want to meet a man I could see myself spending the rest of my life with, who doesn’t want kids but wants dogs instead, who will be happy doing his own thing while I write, and who wants to get married.

Middle Left Corner: Bookshelf Full of Books

Kind of a repeat of my the first square. I want to own a lot of books because I love to read but I also want my books to fill the shelves.

Second Row Middle: Jordan Knight of New Kids on the Block

I can’t look at this picture without breaking into a sweat. Jordan Knight was the first boy bander I loved and I didn’t love him because he has a great voice (although he does). I love him because the man is SEXY AS HELL. He actually has gotten even sexier as he’s gotten older which is so unfair. But if a man who looks and sings like Jordan could come along and sweep me off my feet, that would be awesome.

Middle Right Corner: A Pack of Dogs

As I already mentioned, I want to adopt a lot of dogs. Not as many as in this picture, of course, but four or five is a decent amount I think. And I’d like to adopt older, unwanted dogs. They deserve to live out their final days in peace and happiness.

Lower Left Corner: Travel

I want to travel more. I traveled a lot as a child due to half of my family living in Europe, but now, thanks to work and finances, I don’t leave Phoenix very much. But I do love to travel and I need to make more time and room for it in my life.

Bottom Row Middle: No Children

I don’t want kids. I used to think I did because society and the media grooms all young girls into thinking that to have a fulfilling life a woman must procreate but guess what? That’s bullshit. And as the years have gone by and I’ve not felt that maternal urge or pull, I’ve realized that I have no interest in giving birth or raising tiny humans. Now the challenge is to find a man who feels the same way.

Lower Right Corner: Cottage on the Beach

Phoenix is hot af in the summer. I would love to own a cottage on the beach and transport myself and my pack of dogs there during the stinky months of May, June, July, and August so I can write with the cool ocean breeze caressing my face and not have to wait to walk the dogs until the sun goes down for fear of them burning their paws.

So there you have it, my vision board. I love it and I find it totally inspiring. And who knows, one day, some of those squares may change and that’s totally fine. It’s my vision board, I can do what I want to it!

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