Things I Hate in Romance Novels

As a romance writer and romance reader, I’ve read a lot of romance novels over the years. One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is that I’ve become a lot less tolerant of certain tropes. When I was younger, plots and characters might have bothered me but I didn’t think too much of them. […]

Books I’m Getting Rid of and Why

I’m very, very picky when it comes to purchasing books. I have to really, really love them if they’re going to sit on my shelf. Which is why I don’t buy many books. And it’s also why once a year I’ll go through everything on my shelf and decide if there’s anything I can get […]

The Best TV Show, Movie, Books, and Music of 2019

As the end of the year draws near, I figured it would be fun to join in all the other magazines and websites posting what they thought was the best of the year. I present to you, the best of 2019. May 2020 be just as good or even better. TELEVISION Stranger Things Season 3 […]

Romance Novels & Me: A Love Story

I love romance novels. They’re my favorite type of book. It angers me that they get so little respect in the literary community and are the constant butt of jokes. Especially considering romance is the genre that makes the most money. So how did I first fall for romances? Let’s go back in time to […]