Jess Anne Roberts

Just a Native Phoenician Sweating and Living

Romantic Movies I Hate

Hate is a strong word. But so is love. I want to be clear that when I say I hate these movies, I don’t mean that I’m completely against them. Love is beautiful, after all. It’s universal. Something most people want and everyone can understand. But let me be clear. Even though I read romance […]

Ginger-Crusted Strawberry Mascarpone Tart

RECIPE FROM The Messy Baker: More Than 75 Delicious Recipes From a Real Kitchen by Charmian Christie, pg 127 (photocopy) VERDICT: Two days after making this and a day after trying it, I’m still not sure how I feel about it. This recipe is a lot of work. Many bowls and instruments need to be […]

Things I Hate in Romance Novels

As a romance writer and romance reader, I’ve read a lot of romance novels over the years. One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is that I’ve become a lot less tolerant of certain tropes. When I was younger, plots and characters might have bothered me but I didn’t think too much of them. […]

Books I’m Getting Rid of and Why

I’m very, very picky when it comes to purchasing books. I have to really, really love them if they’re going to sit on my shelf. Which is why I don’t buy many books. And it’s also why once a year I’ll go through everything on my shelf and decide if there’s anything I can get […]

All the Movies I Own (and Two I’m Giving Away)

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a huge movie person, but there are a few movies that I’ve liked enough to buy over the years. Here are the DVDs currently on my shelf, plus two that I need to take to Goodwill at some point. Clueless I’ll spare you more gushing over my favorite movie […]

I Re-watched The Office (US) and I Have Some Thoughts

Way back in April 2006, I just so happened to turn my TV on one Thursday night and was rewinding a tape (yes, I had a TV/VCR combo at the time, don’t judge), and I flipped my analog channels until I hit a TV show. That show just happened to be The Office, at the […]

The Best TV Show, Movie, Books, and Music of 2019

As the end of the year draws near, I figured it would be fun to join in all the other magazines and websites posting what they thought was the best of the year. I present to you, the best of 2019. May 2020 be just as good or even better. TELEVISION Stranger Things Season 3 […]

My Favorite TV Show Soundtracks

It’s a little sad to me that TV show soundtracks have mostly fallen by the wayside. I still remember the days when I would fall in love with a show and run out to buy the CD soundtrack. I am aware that TV shows do still release music from their latest seasons but purchasing the […]

Movies I Want to See

I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a huge movie fan but every once and awhile I watch a trailer and think, “Huh. That looks good. I’d like to see that.” I even keep a list of these movies on my phone so I can remember the titles for later. So here, in no particular order, […]

Unpopular and Popular Stranger Things Opinions

When it comes to TV, there’s always going to be popular and unpopular opinions. But that’s the joy of art. It divides us and unites us. Since the release of Stranger Things 3 (which I’ve watched more times than I want to admit and if you’d like to hear my review of ST3, check out […]